The Power of an annual expenses fund

Person Putting Coin in a Piggy Bank

Have you ever been caught off guard by an expense that only comes around once a year From car repairs to vet bills, these bills, while we know they will inevitably come at some point, can still come as a surprise, and when they do, wreak havoc on our budget if we’re not prepared. That’s … Read more

Getting started using spenditures

Composition of calculator with paper money and notebook with pen

So I just wanted to take you through the steps you will go through as you setup your spenditures account. I will break up the process into 5 steps: So let’s get started. 1. Create account and set your preferences First you will click in the Creatr account link in the top menu and enter … Read more


Flat Lay of Letter Shaped Cookies

I just wanted to take some time to quickly explain why I created spenditures. Let us look at an example to illustrate the problem with budgeting on credit card that spenditures aims to solve.